Friday, April 27, 2012

Multiple uses for Google Earth in the classroom

   Recently in my READ-411 course, our instructor revealed how the functions of Google Maps/Earth can be employed into classroom learning.  The satellite transmitted virtual imaging of Google Earth allows one to view an accurate and detailed setting of any location of in our planet!  By adjusting the magnification controls, one can obtain a street view of any neighborhood/city and familiarize one's self with the street names and infrastructure, all from your computer screen.  A web resource like this is ideal for when someone wishes to orient his/herself beforehand with the landscape and surroundings of a future travel destination.
   In relation to classroom instruction, there are several potential uses that can be derived from such a dynamic tool.  In a history or geography course, the instructor can create a shared map for his/her class and set landmarks with embedded commentary (using the insert push-pin option), in order to virtually display the regions/sites of importance that are being discussed in the class lesson.  The same approach can be taken for an English, Music, or Art class in which authors, composers, or artists from distinct parts of the world are being studied and perhaps their place of origin has significantly influenced their work.  For ESL instruction, I would take advantage of the aspect that my students are likely from different nations that can be widely represented on a Google map.
To formulate a genuine learning experience involving language practice and exposure to technology, I would have each student revisit his/her former area of residence in their home country.  The students will have the opportunity to virtually revisit their city/village of origin, to explore sites that bring back lucid memories, and realize if any changes have taken place since they emigrated to this nation.  The assignment tied to this activity would require the ELLs to write a descriptive essay.  The guidelines of this writing task would request each student to provide a brief orientation of the geographical area (nation, province, city/village, natural landscape), to mention sites of historical/community importance, to share particular memories related to places they viewed, and to reflect on the usefulness of Google Maps/Earth in allowing them to virtually revisit their homeland. This is only one of potentially several strategies that can be generated using this versatile Google resource.    


  1. That was a great demonstration in class. I can definitely see how it can be beneficial to learning.

  2. Johnathan,

    This is a really original way to utilize technology in the classroom! Your usage of Google Earth as a teaching tool is sure to culturally engage students and give them visual representations of various locations in the world. This would be particularly useful in the subject area of English by providing students with a geographical location of not only authors but characters in novels. When a specific, non-fictional geographical location is given by an author, viewing the character's world from their literal perspective will engage students and allow content to seem more grounded.
