Monday, March 12, 2012

Technological unawareness

   It has boldly come to my attention that despite my daily involvement & exposure to contemporary technology, there are many technological innovations that I may currently be totally oblivious to.  The focus of this online course & mainly the nature of the last two interactivities have led me to this eye-opening realization.  Up until I was faced with the task of utilizing a google spreadsheet for interactivity #3, I was unaware that google even offerred such a service, which typically has to be purchased as software by Microsoft. I was quite out of sync with the extent in which google has expanded its domain, adding a variety of commonly used document tools.  I admit to have initially felt ignorant & unskilled in my attempt to utilize the google spreadsheet.  The video tutorial on how to operate the google documents services ( which I unfortunately decided to watch after I had submitted interactivity #3) fairly oriented me on how to function the google spreadsheet tool. It is certainly impressive how versatile & efficient many of the features are (Ex-embedding comments & shared access). 
     Although I still lack knowledge on how to operate most of the functions available on the google spreadsheet, my new familiarity with this dynamic form of technology has resulted in my acknowledgement of the importance of technological competence.  As a prospective teacher, I clearly understand how maintaining awareness of the innovations & uses of technology can have a significant impact on the extent to which I integrate relevant technology for the benefit of student learning.  As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, I could be totally oblivious to the dynamic power technology has to offer.     

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